Me Time On a Budget - Miles + Smiles







Me Time On a Budget

Photography by: Angel Torres

I was asked by Casousele to participate in the #HygroCotton campaign, sponsored by Welspun. Although I have been compensated, all opinion are my own. 

Sometimes life gets so hectic that we forget to take care of ourselves. But we have to remember that we are important too and if we are not ok then things will not be ok. This is why it is so important to take some time off even if it’s at home to pamper ourselves. I know that I am guilty of overworking myself. Between the blog and my day job, I literally have no time off and the few hours that I do have free I try to spend them with my hubby.

This past summer went by so fast and so many things happened that I really wanted to pamper myself without any pricey fancy spas. Don’t get me wrong I would love to but right now we are on a tight budget. So, I decided to do my own spa at home. This easy 7 item-relaxing session that requires nothing fancy and stuff that you probably have at home.

Here are some of the things I used for my spa day:

-       Fluffy HygroCotton® Towels
-       Scented candle
-       Warm green tea
-       Fizzy Bath Bomb with Lavender
-       Detox clay mask
-       A good magazine to flip thru
-       A manicure set and a cute nail polish

Are you surprised that I mentioned towels? 
--> Once I got my hands on the HygroCotton towels I immediately noticed the difference and how great it can make you feel after a nice long bath to wrap yourself in a fluffy towel. I also love that they get softer wash after wash and you don’t even need to use softener! So yes, it is a must have for me! You can find them at different stores like Bed Bath & Beyond or Macy’s. 
A scented candle it’s also one of my fave things and I usually have a couple around the house, not only I love how they smell but they also can work as aromatherapy. I wasn’t too crazy about the fizzy bath bomb but it did smell good and it made the water have a nice lavender color. The detox mask that I used smelled amazing and my skin felt so good after wards. Las but not least I was in desperate need of a mani, and I just got this charcoal based nail polish that not only has a beautiful gray-lillac color. And last but not least, one of my favorite teas of all time green tea. Not only does wonders for my skin but also helps me stay calm.

So there you have it! Having a nice relaxing spa day doesn’t have to break the bank but remember that even when you are on a budget pampering yourself at home it is possible!

Wanna win some HygroCotton® Goodies? Just enter the giveaway below! There will be two winners,  and each prize pack is: one (1) $500 Prepaid Visa Card, one (1) HygroSoft™ White Towel Set, and one (1) HygroSoft™ 300 TC White Queen Size Sheet Set (ARV of each prize: $629.98)

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Welspun.  The opinions and text are all mine.

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