Photography by: Angel Torres
It's been a while since I write a lifestyle post and just let some thoughts spill out, so here we go!
It is no secret by now that my favorite season is summer. I love everything about it, the food, the smells, the weather, EVERYTHING! This summer specially meant a lot to me; met so many amazing people that I get to call my friends and created really amazing memories.
Coming out of a terrible last year, this Fall feels like some sort of re-birth period of time for me. We are moving to a new apartment in a month, the blog is doing so amazing, my marriage seems to finally be at a good place, my new role at work is complicated but nothing I wasn't anticipated to be, overall everything seems to be falling into place (hope not to jinx it!).
I am heading to down south in about a week and then off to New York for Fohr U and I am ridiculously excited about it, not only because I will get to meet a man I truly admire in the Influencer industry; James Nord but also because we will have so many amazing speakers including my all time favorite influencer Tezza. Oh! By the way, I applied to Fohr's Freshman Class where they are making an effort to be more inclusive by helping influencers with diverse backgrounds by having a pilot program specially designed for us with top of the line one-on-one mentoring and you can help me out by filling out this testimonial and simply saying why do you like my blog and following me, easy peasy!
I also got approved to go to a Creative Direction Bootcamp in Chicago in November and I AM SO HAPPY! It truly is amazing what things like this would do for you at work. Feeling that my job recognizes the efforts that I am doing and believe in me as a creative to the point that they want to invest in my training as a creative and hopefully as a creative director soon truly means the universe! - I would say world but I feel like it doesn't do justice to the way I feel. Funny story about this bootcamp: 10 years ago I read the book Pick Me by Janet Kestin and Nancy Vonk. It was my bible at school, I did everything they said to break into the advertising industry, and it totally worked! So if you are in this industry or would like to get into it I strongly recommend it! The creative direction boot camp that I will be attending will be taught by the same two women. Coincidence?! I don't know but the universe really has mysterious ways to work!
After that my husband will be traveling to see his family in Colombia and my family is coming to spend Thanksgiving with me and Milo and I can't wait to have them at my home!
I know this is the normal blog post but I want to make an effort to just write to write, to include you guys in my life and not just to sell you clothes or products (but if you liked my outfit I'm linking everything below per ususal!) Would you like to see more blog posts like this? Let me know in the comments below!
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