Finding the perfect bridal accessory - Miles + Smiles







Finding the perfect bridal accessory

As the wedding gets closer and errands seem to multiply by the minute, I'm very relieved to have one less thing on my bride-to-be to-do list!

You guys may already know that our big day is about a month and a half away and I just cannot wait! We are having a traditional Catholic Church ceremony because it was important to us to have God’s blessing, and also because faith has become a big part of our lives together.

We already have most of the tasks done but we have a good chunk to go as well. One of the things that I was completely lost about was the veil. Some people may think it old school or traditional to have a veil, but I truly believe that it is the one piece that makes a bride. Not only the meaning behind it, but who doesn’t like fluffy tulle around them on the day they feel like a princess?!

My quest began a few months ago and I had no idea of the many different fabrics, colors, and shapes there were JUST for your veil. I really didn’t know what I wanted so since I already had my dress, it was the dress that chose the veil.
I found a company called ZVeil that has a try-at-home program which was just perfect! I didn't purchase the dress with the veil because of budget restrictions, plus I really just wanted to see what else was out there. I'm glad I did because I found the perfect veil to complement my gorgeous gown and I was able to do it from my comfy couch.

The program is pretty simple, and the best part is that it's free! You simply fill out this form where you give them your info and your top three veil choices. You input your credit card information, but they won’t charge anything until you choose one, and if you don’t like any of them you don’t pay a dime! And that’s it! You just wait a couple of days for them to arrive.

I have to say that I was stunned with the quality of the veils. I don’t know much about veil fabrics but the quality was just amazing. I learned that ZVeil works with two types of tulle: one is called Americana, and the other Cashmere Soft. So you guys will know a bit of the difference between them, Americana is a bit more structured giving it a more fuller look, while Cashmere Soft is a bit more drapey and silky. Trust me, it's like nothing that you've ever touched! I'm pretty sure mine is the Cashmere Soft and I just want to roll around in it all day long.

I really can’t wait to show you the veil I chose, but, well, my fiancé is too nosey and he is not allowed to see it until the day of. Remember that veil shopping should not be a hassle and should be part of the fun on the way to your big day. ZVeil seriously takes the stress out of it.

¡Ya se esta acercando el momento de nuestra boda! y con eso también las cosas que quedan por hacer pareciera que se multiplica. Pero al menos ya puedo sacar algo de la lista y es ¡el velo!

Talvez sepan que nuestra boda es en mes y medio, y ya quiero que llegue el día. Vamos a tener una boda tradicional en una iglesia Católica porque para nosotros es importante tenet la benediction de Dios en nuestra union y nuestra fé se ha convertido en una gran parte de nuestra relación.

Ya tenemos la gran mayor de las cosas pero nos falta otro tanto. Una de las cosas que yo estaba completamente perdida fue cuando estaba buscando el velo. Alguna personas pueden pensar que un velo es old school y cosa del pasado, pero yo realmente creo que el velo es lo que hace a una novia completa. No solo por el significado deters de el velo pero ¡¿A quien no le gusta tener tul alrededor y sentirse acme una princesa?!

La aventura buscando el velo empezo hace un par de meses y no tenia ni la menor idea de altos tipos de velo existen, entre los tipos de tul, los colores, discos y demás. Y honestamente yo no sabia que querier asi que deje q fuera el vestido el que decidiera que le iba bien.

Encontre esta compañia que se llama ZVeil que tiene un programa para probar los velos en la comodidad de tu casa, asi que era ¡perfecto! Yo no pude comprar el velo el mismo dia que compre el vestido simplemente por cuentiones de presupposesto y querier ver que mas opciones podia encontrar. Y menos mal lo hice porque ahora si encounter el velo de mis sueños desde la comodidad de mi casita.

EL programa es bastante facil y lo mejor de todo es que es gratis. SImplemente llenas este questionario en donde pones toda tu information y los top 3 velos que mas te gusten. Te van a pedir forma de pago pero ellos no levan a cobrar nada hasta el momento que elijas tu velo. Y si no te gusta ninguno, solo los devuelves y no pagas ni un centavo. ¡Eso es todo! solo esperas un par de días para que te lleguen por correo.

Algo que si tengo que admitir es que me impresiono la buena calidad de la tela. Yo no se mucho de velos puree la calidad es excelente y te das cuenta tan pronto lo tocas. Vi que ZVeil trabaja con dos tipos de tul: uno se llama Americana y el otro Cashmere Soft. El Americana es un poco mas estructurada dando el effect de tener mas volumen, y el Cashmere Soft es mas sedoso y suave. Estoy case segura que ese es el que yo escogí, de verdad dan ganad de dormir en el.

Me encantaria mostrarles el velo que escogí pero tengo el novio mas chismoso y el no lo puede ver hasta el día de la boda. Lo mas importante es acordarse que la boda y los preparativos deben ser un momento de felicidad y no de stress y este servicio para probarlos en la casa de ZVeil lo hace lo mas practico.


  1. Your pictures looks so amazing! Absolutely love them!

  2. Oh my goodness, this looks amazing. I can't wait till I get married and get to shop around for veils!

  3. Love the accessory .. Veils are cool ..

  4. I totally agree that the veil just completes the bride. It's a beautiful tradition. You will make a gorgeous bride.

  5. Beautiful! I'm nowhere near my wedding day, but I'll have to keep this in mind for when I am planning :-)

    x Kathryn

  6. Love this! So good to know!


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